Saturday, April 18, 2015

Intro/first post

Hello and welcome to my car blog!  A place where I discuss my car interests.

What type of cars do I like?

Well, unlike most car enthusiasts who lust over '70s muscle cars, fancy european luxury cars, and Japanese performance cars, I prefer cars from the 1980s and early 1990s.


Because no one else does!  The 80s and 90s were a pretty "meh" era for the car industry, especially the big three (or 4 if you want to include AMC).  At the time, most cars were small, boxy, slow, or all of the above.  American car makers were starting to lose ground to Japanese imports such as Toyota and Honda.  And any performance car made during the time were more "show" than "go"  

Fast forward to today, most cars from the 1980s and 1990s are still in "automotive purgatory," where they are too new to be considered classics and too old to still be common.  If I were to ask any car guy about memorable 80s cars, I would get responses along the lines of Buick Grand National, DeLorean, or "walking." I usually look past all of that to see all the great (and not so great) cars that people forgot about.

The goal of this blog is to bring to light this "forgotten era" of cars.  Cars that I grew to like!

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